Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fun and messy!

Hey guys!
This is really random, but for some of the little projects we did at my mentorship involved shaving cream, glue, and more.

On this cardboard muffin, the frosting is made of shaving cream and glue. It made this sponge or foam-like material when it dried. When you press down on the material, it leaves a mark where your finger pushed, but it disappeared after a while.

Another activity, the children made gak. Gak is just like silly putty. I'm blanking on the other materials we used, but I remember the main material was Elmer's glue. It's very sticky and slimy, but fun.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Blog 6: Second Interview Preparation

1.  Who is your mentor and where do they work?
Miss Jenny is my mentor and she works at the YMCA as a Preschool Teacher. She has been working in the YMCA for about 4 years.

2.  What five questions will you ask them about their background?

  1. Where did you go to college and what did you study? Why?
  2. What other studies or careers were you interested in before? Why did your interest change?
  3. From your volunteer experience and experience working at other schools, what were the differences?
  4. What are a few skills needed in this work field?
  5. What are some pros and cons being a preschool teacher?

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Blog 5: Mentorship Reflection Answer

1. Mentorship question: Describe your experience in how you found your mentorship?  If you haven't found one yet, describe your experience so far in the search of a mentor.
At first, I wanted to do my mentorship in Nursing. During summer break, I checked with all my relatives who are nurses to ask their supervisors if I could volunteer at their hospital, but they kept telling me I had to at least 18. I checked by a few local clinics, but they also said I had to be 18.
I went to my other choice which revolved around working with children. I checked at a local day care to see if I could volunteer with them, but they told me I had to be 18, have my TB test and get my life scan.
When I looked online for local daycares, I found the YMCA CorNor website. They had a volunteer page, so I emailed the coordinator about volunteering. She emailed me back and said I could volunteer. I just had to come in for an interview and fill out the volunteer application form.
I was relieved that I found something since school was about to start in two weeks. I spoke with the coordinator and told her about how I was going to have my senior project topic be teaching preschool. She hooked me up with one of the preschool teacher, Miss Jenny, at the Main Y and I started right away.

2. Research question: What has been your most important article you have read so far and why?
The most important article I read so far was “Helping Children Play and Learn Together” by Michaelene M. Ostrosky and Hedda Meadan. I thought this article is important because it focuses on children’s social emotional development. Miss Jenny mentioned during our interview that at the YMCA, they must prepare the children’s social emotional skills and cognitive development so they children will be able to grow more independent. The children should be able to make positive interactions and relationships with their peers to be successful in school since they’re always going to interact with people.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


So yesterday when I went to my Mentorship, we made banana pudding. It was an activity for Friday since this weeks theme was cooking. We just used milk, banana flavored Jello mix, and mini nilla wafers. Each child had their own cup and mixed their Jello mix with milk to make their pudding. After I checked to see if they mixed it well, Miss Jenny gave them sliced bananas and Miss Liz gave them the nilla wafers.
Since the YMCA is still on the summer schedule, there's a theme every week. But starting in the week of September 8th, the school schedule will start. There will be a theme for a month or so. The class size will also be bigger.