Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Blog 22: Mentorship

LIA Response to blog:
  • Literal
  • Interpretive
    • What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
      • The most important thing that I gained from this experience was that the social-emotional development is one of the main abilities children ages three to five need to have in order to get through life. They need this ability to be able to communicate and work better with others. I also learned how to deal with children better if they are not following the rules. I am able to negotiate with the children rather than bribing them.
  • Applied
    • How has what you’ve done helped you to answer your EQ?  Please explain.
      • My EQ is: what is the most effective strategy for a preschool teacher to use to develop their students social and emotional development? What I have done during mentorship that has helped me answer my EQ was through play. Although I helped the children find the words that matched to their feelings and observed what they needed to work on, play was the best because they get that hands on experience with their emotions and others emotions. They learned not to hit out in frustration when they are playing. The children come up to the teacher to let them know what their classmate did and how it made them feel. Then the teachers would talk with the children to explain how it is not nice whatever they did and bring emotions into the conversation. Also, we mainly do activities with the children. It's all just fun stuff.

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